[Note: The spelling and language is of the late 1600's. Spelling errors have generally not been corrected.]
Items in parenthesis ( ) added by webmaster for clarity]
The examination of Mary Eastie.
At a Court held at Salem village 22.Apr. 1692
By the Hon. John Hathorne & Jonathan Corwin.
At the bringing in of the the accused severall fell into fits.
(MAG.) Doth this woman hurt you?
[EXAMINERS' NOTE: Many mouths were stopt, & several other fits seized them
Abig: Williams said it was Goody Eastie, & she had hurt her, the like said Mary Walcot, & Ann Putman, John indian said her saw her with Goody Hobbs.]
(MAG.) What do you say, are you guilty?
(EASTY) I can say before Christ Jesus, I am free.
(MAG.) You see these accuse you. There is a God-- Hath she brought the book to you? [Their mouths were stopt.] What have you done to these children?
(EASTY) I know nothing.
(MAG.) How can you say you know nothing, when you see these tormented, & accuse you that you know nothing?
(EASTY) Would you have me accuse my self?
(MAG.) Yes if you be guilty.
(MAG.) How far have you complyed w'th Satan whereby he takes this advantage ag't you?
(EASTY) Sir, I never complyed but prayed against him all my dayes, I have no complyance with Satan in this. What would you have me do?
(MAG.) Confess if you be guilty.
(EASTY) I will say it, if it was my last time, I am clear of this sin.
(MAG.) Of what sin?
(EASTY) Of witchcraft.
(MAG.) Are you certain this is the woman?
[EXAMINERS' NOTE: Never a one could speak for fits. By and by Ann Putman said that was the woman, it was like her, & she told me her name;]
(MAG.) It is marvailous to me that you should sometimes think they are bewitcht, & sometimes not, when severall confess that I never knew?
[EXAMINERS' NOTE: Her hands (Mary Easty) were clincht together, & then the hands of Mercy Lewis was clincht]
(MAG.) Look now you hands are open, her hands are open. Is this the woman?
[EXAMINERS' NOTE: They made signes but could not speak, but Ann Putman afterwards Betty Hubbard cryed out Oh, Goody Easty, Goody Easty you are the woman, you are the woman Put up her head, for while her head is bowed the necks of these are broken.]
(MAG.) What do you say to this?
(EASTY) Why God will know.
(MAG.) Nay God knows now.
(EASTY) I know he dos.
(MAG.) What did you think of the actions of others before your sisters came out, did you think it was Witchcraft?
(EASTY) I cannot tell.
(MAG.) Why do you not think it is Witchcraft?
(EASTY) It is an evil spirit, but wither it be witchcraft I do not know,
[EXAMINERS' NOTE:Sevrall said she brought them the Book and then they fell into fits.]
Salem Village March 24'th. 1691/2.
Mr Sam'l parris being disired to take in wrighting the Examination of Mary Eastie hath delivered itt as aforesaid
Upon heareing the aforesaid, and seeing what wee then did see, togeather with the Charge: of the persons then present Wee Committed s'd. Mary Easte to theire Majest's Goale
John Hathorne }
Jonathan.Corwin }
(Reverse) The Examination of Mary Eastie 22. Apr. 1692
( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1. Page 120 )
(Complaint of John Putnam, Jr. and Benjamin Hutchinson)
Salem May the 20th 1692
There being Complaint this day made before mee by John put-
nam Jun'r. and Benjamin Hutcheson both of Salem Village, for them-
selfes and also for theire Neighbours, in behalfe of theire Majesties
against Marah Easty the wife of Isaac Easty of Topsfield for sundry
acts of witchcrafts by her Committed yesterday and this present
day of the date hereof upon the bodys of Ann putnam Marcy Lewis
Mary Walcot and Abigail Williams of Salem village to the wrong and
Injury of theire bodys therefore crave Justice.
*John putnam Jun
*Benjamin Huchinson
( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 117 )
(Warrant for Arrest of Mary Easty)
To the Marshall of the County of Essex or dept or Constables of
Salem You are in theire Majest's names hereby required to appre-
hend and forthwith bring before mee at the house of mr. Thomas
Beadles in Salem the Body of Mary Easty the wife Isaac Easty of
Topsfeild to be Examined Relateing to sundry acts of witchcraft by
her Committed yesterday and this present day according to Complaint
aboves'd and hereof you are not to faile Dated Salem May
20th 1692
May 20th: 1692
*John: Hathorne. Assist
p order of the Councill.
I have taken the body of the above named Mary Estiee and
brought her att the time and place above named
Pe me *Geo: Herrick Marshall of Essex
( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 117 )
(Indictment v. Mary Easty, No. 1)
Province of the Massachusetts
Bay in New England
Essex ss
Anno Regni Regis & Reginae
Gullielmi et Mariae nunc Angliae
&c: Quarto: Anno'qe Dom 1692
The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen
pr'sents That Mary Easty wife of Isaack Easty of Topsfield husband-
man on the twenty third day of May in the fourth year of the Reigne
of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of
God of England Scottland France and Ireland King & Queen De-
fenders of the faith &c. and divers other Dayes and times as well
before as After, certaine Detestable arts called Witchcrafts and
Sorceries Wickedly and feloniously hath used Practised and Exer-
cised at and within the Towneship of Salem in the County of Essex
aforesaid in upon and against one Marcy Lewis of Salem Villiage
Singlewoman by which said wicked Arts the said Marcy Lewis the
Twenty third day of May in the year abovesaid and Divers other
Dayes and times as well before as after, was and is Tortured Afflicted
Pined Consumed wasted & Tormented ag't: the Peace of our Sover-
eigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen and ag't. the form of the
Statute in that case made and Provided --
Marcy Lewis Jurat
Ann Putman Jurat
Eliz. Hubbard Jurat
Mary Wolcott Jurat
(Reverse) Indictm't Mary Easty for bewitching Marsy Lewis No. ( I )
Billa No. I Ponet Se
( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 118 )
(Indictment v. Mary Easty, No. 2)
Province of the Massachusetts
Bay in New England
Essex ss
Anno Regni Regis et Reginae
Gullielmi & Mariae nunc Angliae
&c: Quarto Ano'qe Dom 1692
The Juro's for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and
Queen pr'sents That: Mary Easty wife of Isaack Easty of Topsfeild
husbandman the twenty third day of May -- in the fourth year of the
Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady -- William & Mary by the
Grace of God of England Scottland France & Ireland King and
Queen Defenders of the faith &c: and Divers other Dayes and times
as well before as after certaine Detestable Arts called witchcrafts
& Sorceries wickedly and felloniously hath used Practised and Exer-
cised at and within the Towneship of Salem in the County of Essex
afores'd: in upon and ag't one Elizabeth Hubbard of Salem Single-
women by which said wicked Arts the said Elizabeth Hubbard the
twenty third Day of May in the fourth year aboves'd: and Divers
other Dayes and times as well before, as after was, and is, Tortured
Afflicted Pined Consumed wasted and Tormented ag't. the Peace of
our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen and agt. the form
of the Statute in that case made and Provided
Eliz: Hubbard Jurat
Marcy Lewis Jurat
Ann Putman Jurat
(Reverse) Mary Easty Indictm't for bewitching Eliz Hobard No. (2)
Vera Ponet Se
( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 118 )
(Petition of Mary Easty and Sarah Cloyce)
The humble Request of Mary Esty and Sarah Cloys to the Honoured
Humbly sheweth, that whereas we two Sisters Mary Esty
& Sarah Cloys stand now before the Honoured court charged with the
suspition of Witchcraft, our humble request is first that seing we are
neither able to plead our owne cause, nor is councell alowed to those
in our condicion; that you who are our Judges, would please to be
of councell to us, to direct us wherein we may stand in neede.
Secondly that whereas we are not conscious to ourselves of any
guilt in the least degree of that crime, wherof we are now accused
(in the presence of the Living God we speake it, before whose
awfull Tribunall we know we shall ere Long appeare) nor of any other
scandalouse evill, or miscaryage inconsistant with Christianity, Those
who have had the Longest and best knowledge of us, being persons
of good report, may be suffered to Testifie upon oath what they
know concerning each of us, viz Mr. Capen the pastour and those of
the Towne & Church of Topsfield, who are ready to say somthing
which we hope may be looked upon, as very considerable in this
matter; with the seven children of one of us, viz Mary Esty, and it
may be produced of Like nature in reference to the wife of Peter
Cloys, her sister. Thirdly that the Testimony of witches, or such as
are afflicted, as is supposed, by witches may not be improved to
condemn us, without other Legal evidence concurring, we hope the
Honoured Court & Jury will be soe tender of the lives of such,
as we are who have for many years Lived under the unblemished
reputation of Christianity, as not to condemne them without a
fayre and equall hearing of what may be sayd for us, as well as
against us. And your poore supplyants shall be bound always to
pray &c.
(Reverse) Easty & Cloyce peticon
( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1. Page 127 )
(Petition of Mary Easty)
The humbl petition of mary Eastick unto his Excellency's S'r W'm Phipps to the honour'd Judge and Bench now Sitting in Judicature in Salem and the Reverend ministers humbly sheweth
That whereas your poor and humble petitioner being condemned to die Doe humbly begg of you to take it into your Judicious and pious considerations that your Poor and humble petitioner knowing my own Innocencye Blised be the Lord for it and seeing plainly the wiles and subtility of my accusers by my Selfe can not but Judge charitably of others that are going the same way of my selfe if the Lord stepps not mightily in i was confined a whole month upon the same account that I am condemned now for and then cleared by the afflicted persons as some of your honours know and in two dayes time I was cryed out upon by them and have been confined and now am condemned to die the Lord above knows my Innocence then and Likewise does now as att the great day will be know to men and Angells -- I Petition to your honours not for my own life for I know I must die and my appointed time is sett but the Lord he knowes it is that if it be possible no more Innocent blood may be shed which undoubtidly cannot be Avoyded In the way and course you goe in I question not but your honours does to the uttmost of your Powers in the discovery and detecting of witchcraft and witches and would not be gulty of Innocent blood for the world but by my own Innocency I know you are in this great work if it be his blessed you that no more Innocent blood be shed I would humbly begg of you that your honors would be plesed to examine theis Afflicted Persons strictly and keep them apart some time and Likewise to try some of these confesing wichis I being confident there is severall of them has belyed themselves and others as will appeare if not in this wor[l]d I am sure in the world to come whither I am now agoing and I Question not but youle see and alteration of thes things they my selfe and others having made a League with the Divel we cannot confesse I know and the Lord knowes as will shortly appeare they belye me and so I Question not but they doe others the Lord above who is the Searcher of all hearts knows that as I shall answer att the Tribunall seat that I know not the least thinge of witchcraft therfore I cannot I dare not belye my own soule I beg your honers not to deny this my humble petition from a poor dying Innocent person and I Question not but the Lord will give a blesing to yor endevers
(Reverse) To his Excellency S'r W'm Phipps: Govern'r and to the honoured Judge and Magistrates now setting in Judicature in Salem.
(Reverse) Mary Easty Petition
( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1. Page 127 )